meet dede

entertainment for all

Introducing Dede Harlan, a versatile entertainer with a flair for captivating audiences worldwide. From his explosive rise on TikTok, where he's garnered billions of impressions simply by being himself, to his infectious wit and humor that have endeared him to fans everywhere, Dede's talent knows no bounds.

Beyond the laughter and charm lies a multifaceted creative force. Dede is not only a comedic sensation but also a skilled videographer, adept both in front of and behind the camera. His work has even caught the attention of major players like Marvel, showcasing his versatility and broad appeal.

While going viral is the goal for many influencers, Dede effortlessly commands the spotlight time and time again. Now, as the music industry beckons, 2024 promises to unveil yet another dimension of the Dede effect. Stay tuned as this global influencer embarks on his musical journey, offering fans a whole new realm of entertainment to enjoy.

artist. comedian. producer. viral. influencer. host